Where to Buy 12v Mega Fun Premium Injusa X750 2 seater Ride-on Jeep a Top Selling Kids Toy Idea
Our review of 12v Mega Fun Premium Injusa X750 2 seater Ride-on Jeep – It’s Brilliant
Here is KidsElectricCars.co.uk’s review of 12v Mega Fun Premium Injusa X750 2 seater Ride-on Jeep. Buy the Super 12v Mega Fun Premium Injusa X750 2 seater Ride-on Jeep Now This Mega Fun Premium Injusa X750 combines quantity and quality for the perfect ride on car. Its certainly large enough to be the biggest toy in the playground, and it will certainly be the coolest looking. The jeep has a foot control pedal and automatic brake, deep sub frame for extra leg room as well as forward and reverse gears. Its driven by both rear wheels for extra traction and get get up to speeds of 7km/h. With its bright orange and black colour scheme everyone will see you coming. 12v Mega Fun Premium Injusa X750 2 seater Ride-on Jeep Details: 1 x 12V Battery Speed: 6-7 Km/h Running Time: 1h Foot Accelerator Automatic Brake Forward and Reverse Age: 3+ Size: 134x 84.5 x 85.5 cm
Price*: £479.95
Buy 12v Mega Fun Premium Injusa X750 2 seater Ride-on Jeep
*Price correct at time of writing