Where to Buy 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car with remote a Very Popular Kids Toy Idea
Our review of 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car with remote – It’s A Great Kid’s Gift
Here is KidsElectricCars.co.uk’s review of 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car with remote. These 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car with remote are going to be the biggest sellers of 2013 and we are not surprised! PLEASE NOTE: If You Order today this item will be sent to you on 26/06/2013 once stock is available for dispatch from our warehouse. There is LIMITED stock so please order as soon as possible to secure. Which little one would not like to won one of these supercars? These are KidsElectricCars.co.uk’s fully licensed Lamborghini Aventadors which all come with full parental safety remote control systems. An insanely superb looking, top quality kids ride-on car which come part assembled and boast top quality paintwork jobs. These 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Cars are top quality, top of the range, licensed lamborghini cars with all the best features. They can be enjoyed by using either the in-car pedal and steering wheel, or by using the optional parental remote control. These cars are also jam packed full with features such as; mp3 input with volume control, key start, horn, turning and music sounds and not forgetting working headlights! Secure your 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car today. 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car with remote Information: 1 x Lamborghini Aventador ride on car 1 x User Manual 1 x 6V Rechargeable battery for car 1 x Charger for the car battery 1 x Parental Safety Remote Control Age Range: 3+ [parental discretion] Dimensions: 1122mm x 635mm x 430mm Weight: 15kg Delivery time: 48hrs
Price*: £199.95
Buy 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car with remote
*Price correct at time of writing